15/3 10:00 p. m. 22:00 – 16/3 10:00 p. m. 22:00
Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Sun 0.00 - Mon 0.00 Wind warning for sea areas: Northwest gale 17 m/s from the midnight on. Areas: Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Northern Sea of Bothnia, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Southern Sea of Bothnia, Western part of Northern Baltic
FMI Open DataPróximas 24 horas
El tiempo en el mundo hoy
+8° 46°
+3° 37°
+7° 45°
+3° 37°
-2° 28°
+14° 57°
+3° 37°
+2° 36°
+7° 45°
+24° 75°
Temp. máxima y mínima

San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Γουατεμάλα
+40° 104°
Γουαϊάλλα, Αυστραλία
+39.7° 103°
Casa Blanca, Μεξικό
+31.1° 88°
Bang Yai, Ταϊλάνδη
+28° 82°
Beaufort, Μαλαισία
+28° 82°
Zyryanovsk, Καζακστάν
-21.9° -7°
Utsjoki, Φινλανδία
-23.9° -11°
Paulatuk, Καναδάς
-27.3° -17°
Tosontsengel, Μογγολία
-30.6° -23°
Chokurdakh, Ρωσία
-33.7° -29°
Mi tiempo